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Who actually are we?

13 May 2022

A little bit about why we started our coffee van.

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Hi, [Waves], we are Dickon and Sarah. There, you know it all now. [ends blog]

So, seriously, it's really hard writing about ourselves.
Dickon is in his mid 40's and has worked in hospitality on and off throughout his working life and also within the tree surgery and building trades too.
Sarah has worked in retail and foodbank kitchen settings but more recently has completed a Masters.

Sometimes in life you just get to a point where things change. You realise that you might want to take different directions or make new starts. This coffee van was just one of those times. We had discussed a few different options, we settled on the van as it give us flexibility on where to trade, unlike committing to an actual coffee shop.

Choosing our van...

Well, we didn't choose the van as such, it chose us... The Refuelled van started life as Dickon’s mere builders van and although not as green as we would like (yes we know it’s silver!) we thought using our existing vehicle instead of scraping it and buying something else seemed more resourceful plus we rather like our silver rocket!

Building the van posed many challenges, we researched everything a thousand times, sometime waking in the night with fresh ideas, or reasons that things wouldn't work.
From very basic beginnings....

...The van has had quite the makeover with a full fit-out inside. Insulation, walls, partitions, hygienic cladding, electrical systems including solar charging to go part way to powering the machines.

Most importantly this van is furnished with a rather shiny coffee machine, a shiny coffee machine that loves the shiny sunshine in fact! Hello solar panels!

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13 May 2022
Here's why we've chosen some of our suppliers and who they are. 
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